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Did you know that we can offer tours here at Yorkshire Rapeseed Oil? We like to shout loud and proud about what we do here on the top of the Wolds, so always happy to share how we lovingly cold press our extra virgin rapeseed oil and the benefits of using our locally grown and locally produced products in your home.


In the past we’ve had groups from the National Federation of Young Farmers' Clubs, The Women’s Institute, local Round Table groups, the list goes on! Groups have spent an hour or so here, had an opportunity to see what we do, where we do it and we’ve even got the tasting bar out to showcase just how wonderful our produce really is. Get in touch directly to find out when we hope to reoffer this service and to get more information on prices and our availability.


We can also offer a digital presentation to share with your groups, an alternative way to share our taste of Yorkshire.

Adam Palmer

We’re also delighted to be included in a number of the Yorkshire Food Finders trails. These trails explore how some of Yorkshire’s quality foods are created, bred or grown and then showcased on a specially themed menu at some of the best eating places in the county! We’re honoured to be part of a truly unique experience.