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Since 2017 we have chosen to select a local charity to fundraise for as a team and a business. It’s important to us to work with charities that support the local community here in Yorkshire. This year we have done something a little different, and asked our team here at Breckenholme to nominate their favourite charities, that they feel would benefit from our support, with a shortlist put back to the team to vote.

Every penny of our fundraising efforts, along with donations from the sale of our Limited-Edition product goes straight to the charity to support the valuable work they do within our communities.



We’re delighted to announce that the charity our team have chosen to support going forward is HOPING York!

On 8 June we kicked off our fundraising campaign for our new charity, by getting our boots on to raise funds with a team walking challenge. Our team set off on a farm-to-farm walk from here at Thixendale to Wold Top Brewery, a 31 mile walk on the Wolds Way.

We explored the stunning landscape of the Wolds, with a stop off or two to allow our team to rest, and others to join or leave the walk. Some team members completed the 31 miles, with others walking from 8 miles to 18 miles! All with the end goal of joining us at the Brewery at the end of the day for a well-earned pint (or two!). A day of good weather, fuelled by good food, and spurred on by the donations and well wishes. We beat our fundraising total during the walk, and it continues to climb as we speak! We can’t thank everyone enough for walking, supporting and donating to this amazing charity.


HOPING are a pop-up street kitchen who pitch up outside King’s Manor York serving freshly made, home cooked meals to the homeless and those in food poverty each week. Generally feeding from 70 to 100+ people each Sunday, they also offer a food bank, support and signposting, and deliver food parcels to anyone in need. Led by an ex-rough sleeper and supported by a team of volunteers, running the kitchen costs on average £300 per week.

We’d like to thank Gemma from our team for nominating and sharing this amazing charity. We are really enjoying raising funds for such a deserving charity. Help us if you can by sharing and donating.

You can also help the charity by popping a bottle of our NEW Limited Edition Lemon & Caper Dressing in your shopping basket. For each bottle sold we donate 35p to HOPING York, so you can try a delicious product, and the charity gets the funds to keep on providing their service, each and every week.




Ryedale Special Families was the charity we supported across 2022 and 2023, and were the clear winner in your eyes. In total, we received 1.9k votes from you voting for your favourite local charities! During our time fundraising for the charity we were delighted to have raised over £3,300.

The money we raised came from the proceeds of a Limited-Edition Lemon, Garlic, Oregano and Thyme Oil and a 44-mile sponsored walk along the Wold Rangers Way. In July 2022, our team set out to complete the challenging circular 44-mile trail, which, perfectly for us, passes through Thixendale, where we started and ended the walk. Some of the team covered 11 miles, and some covered a whopping 33 miles! A big thank you to all who took part, supported the day and donated.

We also supported Ryedale Special Families with giveaways for its primary annual fundraiser, The Yorkshire Wolds Cycle Challenge and hosted families from the charity for a Farm Education Day. A wonderful and memorable day, and something that we very much hope to continue.

We know the money will be used wisely by the charity who are currently building new premises in Pickering, and you can also support this move by sponsoring a virtual brick with their ‘Brick by Brick’ campaign.

Ryedale Special Families began in the early 1990’s when a group of 20 families of disabled children started to meet in their own homes in order to share challenges and experiences, as well as offer mutual support to each other. It became a registered charity in 1997 and now provides support to 350 families throughout the Ryedale area.



Our nominated Charity for 2021 was Downright Special. This amazing charity supports children with Down syndrome in Hull and the East Riding. They were our chosen charity for 2020, but as the year did not go to plan for anyone, we decided to continue supporting them into 2021.

The charity originally started in 2007 by a group of parents, they set out to provide support to each other and any other parents who had children with Down syndrome. This quickly developed into an organised group giving emotional, practical and educational support to families from birth onwards. They do this with no funding from statutory agencies, like the local authority or NHS.

We popped to meet them on one of their weekly Special Fridays Groups where their specialist team and valuable volunteers hold a play and learning group, and at the same time bring families together. We saw first-hand the bond between the children and the team and it was such a positive experience - we could have stayed all day! They work with small groups and focus on speech and language skills whilst having fun sessions too. We even learnt some Makaton sign language whilst there!

The support they provide is second to none, and changes with every stage of their development, from new parent packs distributed on maternity and neo-natal wards, to an outreach service for schools and nurseries, and training for both professionals and parents.

Their goal is simple – to build a brighter future for children with Down syndrome. 

Our first fundraising challenge took place in Down Syndrome Week in March 2021. We thought this would be the perfect week to kick off our 2021 fundraising support. From 15-21 March, some of our team members took on a 500 Mile Challenge, where we walked, cycled or ran 500 miles collectively as a team. Not only did we smash our 500 mile target in steps, but we also raised over £4,000 whilst doing so. We'd like to thank everyone who supported our fundraising across the week - your generosity was overwhelming.

Fundraising has also been supported with our Limited Edition product, Lemon & Lavender Gin Dressing.

Some of the Yorkshire Rapeseed Oil Team preparing for their Charity Challenge YRO500 in March 2021 for Downright Special

Jennie with some of the Downright Special team and children they support


In 2019 we supported Nice2BNice, a small, Hull based charity working as part of the Life for a Kid Foundation. Set up with the aim to help children in need in the Hull and East Riding area through different services, to date they have helped hundreds of children and their families. Providing sensory rooms and the support of a therapy dog for disadvantaged children is just a couple of the ways in which they do it.  Lewis the Therapy Dog is registered at Hull Royal Infirmary and visits the children’s wards on a weekly basis to provide comfort and support to all the children in what is a scary environment for them. 

We had a great time supporting them with a donation from the sales of our Limited Edition product Yorkshire Blue Cheese Dressing, and we held a Charity Beer Festival where we had huge and generous support from local business sponsors and beer drinkers alike! Over £2,700 was raised to support this charity to bring more smiles on children's faces!

David and Marcelle launching our Limited Charity Edition Blue Cheese Dressing


2017 was the first time to have a local charity dedicated to fundraise for. We decided to support a new local charity through 2018, Our B.O.Y.'s Fund, following a local school child, Ben, developed a rare renal tumour. We're delighted to report that we raised a total of £1,200 which went help children affected with this rare cancer. We can also very happily report that Ben is now clear of the disease.

We had great fun taking part in the Yorkshire marathon as part of a relay team, and York 10k, although it was rather warm! Not only that, 35p from the sale of each bottle of our Limited Edition Lime Oil was also donated to the charity.

Previous to this we had great fun fundrasing for another fabulous charity, Candlelighters.

Jennie and Ben's Mum, Lucy meeting up to handover the totals and celebrate the good news!