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Peach & Blueberry Sponge Pudding


Baking with oil is super simple! We love baking this sponge recipe all year round and we just change the recipe the fruit we have on hand. Can't beat seasonal eating!

Serves 6-8


175g self raising flour

50g ground almonds (optional)

175g golden caster sugar

3 medium free range eggs

75ml milk (or almond/oat milk)

100ml Yorkshire Rapeseed Oil

1tsp almond extract

400g stoned and chopped fresh peaches

150g fresh blueberries



Pre heat your oven to 190C / 170C fan / 375F / Gas Mark 5

In a large bowl sift in your flour and almonds and add the sugar mix together until all is combined. Next crack in your eggs, milk, oil and almond extract and mix together until your mixture forms a smooth batter.

Use a shallow oven proof dish or cake tin and place your fruit so it is evenly distributed across the base. Cover with the sponge mixture and bake for 30 mins. Check how your sponge is cooking with a skewer and if it doesn't come out clean pop back in the over for a further 10 mins. Our cake cooked for a total of 40 mins, but this can alter depending on your dish and what fruit you use.

Serve warm or cold (it can be reheated for 10 mins in the oven if required) We love it warm with icecream, but is also delicious with cream or custard.

Try using different fruits, apple and cinnamon works well, with walnuts on top, or in the summer try plums, raspberries or apple and blackberry.

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