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Spatchcock Chicken with Fennel & Roasted Veggies


A simple yet showstopping dish. Serve any time of year on a large platter for the perfect sharing dinner. You can ask your butcher to spatchcock your chicken. We get our chickens already spatchcocked from Soanes Poultry, but it’s quite a simple job to do at home if you have a whole chicken ready to roast.

Serves 4-6


Whole chicken, spatchcocked

6 tbsps Yorkshire Rapeseed Oil Fennel Dressing, plus extra for serving

Yorkshire Rapeseed Oil

700g baby potatoes, whole

1 medium red onion

1 courgette (weighing around 300g)

1 aubergine (weighing around 300g)

1 yellow pepper

200g cherry tomatoes

1 packet of halloumi (225g)

Rocket leaves, to serve

Salt & freshly ground black pepper

Toasted fennel seeds, a sprinkling



Preheat your oven to 200C / 180C Fan / Gas Mark 6.

Place the chicken skin side up in a large roasting tin and use 3 tbsps of the Fennel Seed Dressing to massage over the skin, and also ensure some of dressing is rubbed under the skin on the breast area. Season generously and place in the oven. The full roasting time will depend on the weight of the bird.

Parboil your baby potatoes for 10 minutes, and whilst they are part cooking, cut the onion, halloumi, courgette, aubergine and yellow pepper into large chunks. Set aside. After the potatoes have boiled drain and set aside these too.

Around 1 hour before the chicken is due to be fully cooked, pop the drained potatoes into a large oven proof dish, drizzle with a good glug of Yorkshire Rapeseed Oil, toss through until fully coated and pop in the oven. Roast the potatoes for 20 minutes and then add the chunky vegetables, halloumi and the cherry tomatoes to the roasting dish, all of which should be drizzled and coated in the remaining 3 tbsps of Fennel Seed Dressing. Continue to roast the potatoes and veg for the last 40 minutes.

When cooked, remove the chicken from the oven and leave to rest for a short time. Remove the veg from the oven, arrange on a platter on a bed of rocket and pour over the pan juices from the veg. Place the bird on top and and sprinkle with toasted fennel seeds to finish. Hand to the head of the table to carve