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Mushroom and Herb Risotto


Love a Risotto recipe here! Great flavours on offer with our Yorkshire Rapeseed Oil with Rosemary & Sea Salt along with our Mint & Balasamic Dressing, which is so much more than a salad dressing! The perfect vegetarian dish! 

Serves 2 very hungry people or 4 if served with green salad and crusty bread


2-3 tbsp Yorkshire Rapeseed Oil with Rosemary & Sea Salt

1-2tsp Mint and Balsamic Dressing

2 onions sliced

200g mushrooms sliced (brown ones make a darker risotto but have the best flavour)

200g arborio rice

180ml dry white wine

450ml pint veg stock

2 bay leaves

1 tbsp each of fresh chives, parsley and mint, chopped

Slithers of Parmesan cheese (use a potato peeler on a piece of cheese)



Saute onions in oil until golden, add mushrooms and rice and fry for 4-5 minutes, stirring and turning all the time.

Add the wine, half of the veg stock and bay leaves, bring to the boil, turn heat down and simmer on low heat with lid on until liquid has been absorbed.

Now add the chopped fresh herbs and more stock, just enough to make the rice moist again.

Put the lid back on and continue cooking over a low heat.

Repeat adding stock a little at a time if rice requires it.

When cooked, stir in the Mint & Balsamic Dressing, serve with slithers of Parmesan cheese on top.

Suitable for vegetarians.

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