The farm through the seasons – May

Well, the ewes and lambs have settled in on the grasslands around the farm and the frantic pace of lambing has come to a close. No rest for our shepherd though, who has spent some time treating the sheep from disease, particularly since the warmer weather has now arrived. It won’t be long until we start shearing. A necessary job to keep the sheep cool and reduce the risk of infestation and disease.
So, it’s back to the maintenance-based jobs before harvest arrives!
Everything around the farm is looking very lush and green and the good weather in the last couple of weeks and the farm walks see daily changes for the farm team. The recent warm conditions have certainly helped our crops flourish after a cool Spring.
We’re keeping an eye on the recently planted beans, only our second ever crop! And you’ll be pleased to know our rapeseed is still in full bloom across the Yorkshire Wolds, but not for long. With crops in the lower lying areas starting to see their seed pods turn from green to brown, it’s usual for us to be around 2 weeks behind in the growth stages being around 800 ft above sea level here. Though once those beautiful flowers disappear, that’s when the real magic happens as the seed pods will hopefully be brimming with seed. The good stuff!

The hedgerows and fields full of flowers this May.