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Easter Simnel Cake


A slightly lighter bake than our Christmas Cake, this fruit cake is a special bake for over Easter. We love the addition of plenty of marzipan as we love the almond flavour. This cake serves around 12-16 slices, so will see you through the Easter holiday and beyond! We use our natural rapeseed oil which makes for a one bowl bake. Suits us perfectly!

Serves 12


175ml Yorkshire Rapeseed Natural Oil

50ml milk

250g demerara sugar

5 medium eggs

250g self-raising flour

1 tsp ground cinnamon

1 tsp mixed spice

50g ground almonds

75g glace cherries, chopped

1kg mixed fruit

750g marzipan

50g apricot jam



Preheat the oven to 140°C/ 120°C Fan/ 275°F/ Gas Mark 1 and then grease and line a 20cm round tin.

Add Yorkshire Rapeseed Oil, milk and sugar into a large bowl. Beat the eggs and gently fold into the oil and sugar. Sieve the flour, ground cinnamon and mixed spice into a separate bowl and then add the ground almonds. Fold this into the wet ingredients to form a batter. Finally, add the dried mixed fruit and cherries and carefully fold in.

Pour half the mixture into the tin. Then, roll out 300g of the marzipan to fit the tin and place on top of the cake mixture. Pour the remaining mixture into the tin and spread out evenly. Leave it to rest for 10 minutes and then cover with greaseproof paper.

Bake for 2 hours 45 minutes until cooked through (it will be firm to press or a skewer comes out clean). Cool the cake in the tin on a wire rack and only when completely cold, heat the jam and brush over the top of the cake. Take approx. 225g of the marzipan and roll out into a circle to fit the top of the cake. With the remaining marzipan, create 11 balls and place around the top.

If you’d like to glaze the top of the cake, place under a grill until just brown or for best results carefully use a blowtorch to lightly brown the desired areas. This will keep for around 3 weeks (if you’re lucky for it to last that long in the larder!).