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Courgette, Spinach & Wensleydale Blue Frittata


Serve with a light side salad for the perfect lunch or brunch dish, this tastes amazing hot or cold. Ideal for perking up any packed lunch!

Serves 6-8


2 courgettes, grated

Yorkshire Rapeseed Oil with Garlic

1 medium red onion, diced

100g Spinach - we used a bag of Florette Baby Leaf Spinach

6 free range, medium eggs

50ml double cream

100g Wensleydale Blue Cheese

Mint & Balsamic Dressing



Pop the grated courgette in a colander or a tea towel with a large bowl underneath, sprinkle over a little salt and then use the back of a wooden spoon to gently push out any excess water. Leave to sit for a further 10 minutes to drain fully.

Preheat the oven to 180oC / 160oC Fan / 350oF / Gas Mark 4.

For the next step you need a large frying pan. Make sure the frying pan has an oven-proof handle as you will be popping it into the oven. Cover the bottom of the frying pan with the Garlic Oil and heat on a high setting on the hob.

Fry the red onion for a few minutes until softened and then add the drained and grated courgettes and continue to fry for 5-6 mins until cooked through. Gradually add the baby leaf spinach and cook this until wilted.

In a separate dish beat together the eggs and milk with a good twist of black pepper and then pour this egg mixture over the courgettes, onion and spinach and lightly press down with the back of a spatula to make sure that the whole of the pan bottom is covered.

Next step is to crumble over the Wensleydale Blue Cheese and allow to cook on the hob without touching it for a further 3-4 mins.

Finally, once the base of the frittata seems set, add another twist of black pepper and place the frying pan in the oven for 20-25 mins or until cooked through.

Serve hot or cold with a good drizzle of Yorkshire Rapeseed Oil Mint and Balsamic Dressing