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Anna Longthorp of Anna's Happy Trotters & Anna's Happy Kitchen

Anna Longthorp of Anna's Happy Trotters & Anna's Happy Kitchen

One of our good friends, a stockist, and a true enthusiast of all we do here at YRO is Anna Longthorp, of Anna’s Happy Trotters. Anna is from a family of farmers, fourth generation no less. The family originally grew arable crops, but around 30 years ago they added pigs to the mix to make better use of the grain and straw they produce, and those pigs have now become their passion.

Always bred outdoors, Anna’s pigs are now fully free range, we were very surprised to hear that only 1-2% of pigs are produced this way in the UK. It’s been quite a task for Anna to get to this stage, as to maintain the highest welfare standards for those pigs you need the right sandy, free draining land, something that is not widely available in Yorkshire. Add in the careful mix of new and old, more traditional breeds they use, and it’s a very special product that Anna can offer her customers.

This care and attention that Anna’s pigs receive means that her high welfare pork is Red Tractor Assured and Freedom Food accredited, with lucky customers able to shop online with Anna's Happy Kitchen, or shop at a stockist local to them.

It’s Anna’s passions around her pigs and the sustainability of British farming that has led her to being one of many British farmers getting behind a campaign called #BiteIntoBritish which urges the public to do the right thing and buy high quality, sustainable British food. The campaign was launched back in November 2021 by pig farmers and sisters, Vicky, Kate and Rachel Morgan, who are also based in East Yorkshire. As COP26 was opening they wanted to highlight and shout out about climate friendly British produce – whether that is meat, fruit, veg or grain, and the campaign has understandably gained a huge following.

Looking across social media with their hashtag #BiteIntoBritish you can see the farming community coming together to back British farming and all it stands for, and even some celebrities getting involved too. Many can be seen wearing their gilets proudly displaying their ‘buy British’ messages, and all proceeds going to farming charity, the Farming Community Network, with a hoodie added more recently with proceeds going to RABI (Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution) it really is a win-win for all involved.

It’s Bite Into British’s aim to ensure that high animal welfare and environmental standards are supported, food miles are kept low, that the food on our plates is traceable and safe, and that locally produced food will support our Great British farmers. Do look out for their hashtag on social media to see all they get up to in raising awareness.

Here’s just a few ways we can all support British farmers when out food shopping….

• Look out for the Red Tractor or RSPCA Assured logo on the produce you buy in supermarkets to make sure it meets the high standards that British farmers keep to, and read the label carefully for the produce origins. Don’t be afraid to ask your butcher or greengrocer where their produce is from

• Shop locally to cut down on those air miles – your local farm shop or farmers’ market is a great place to become a more sustainable shopper

• Shop for seasonal foods – buying foods in season here means you are supporting British farms and it’s fresher, tastier and more nutritious than out of season food

Bite Into British

Search #BiteIntoBritish to find out more about supporting our Great British Farmers