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Ale Brownies with Ale & Marmalade Frosting


A flavour filled, dark and rich brownie, perfect enjoyed with a coffee or a cheeky pint!


Makes 12


For the brownies

70ml Yorkshire Rapeseed Oil

70ml reduced Wold Top Marmalade Porter (Start with 1 bottle - see method for more info)

200g dark 70% cocoa chocolate

85g plain flour

1 tsp baking powder

225g caster sugar

2 large free-range eggs, plus 1 large egg yolk, beaten together

For the frosting

50g salted butter, softened

2 tsp marmalade

150g icing sugar

25g cocoa powder

25ml reduced Wold Top Marmalade Porter



The first stage of this recipe is to reduce the liquid volume of the ale to intensify the flavour. Using one bottle of Wold Top Marmalade Porter, pour into a small pan and simmer on a medium heat for up to half an hour. Ideally you are looking to reduce your liquid by half. You will only need 95ml for this recipe so should you choose to boil less you can always enjoy a small glass of the remaining ale whilst baking! Once reduced set aside in a cup or jug to cool a little.

Whilst cooling you can make a start on your brownie batter. Pre-heat your oven to 180C / Fan 160C / Gas Mark 4 and line a 20cm square baking tin with baking paper.

Break up your chocolate and melt either in a bowl over simmering water on the hob, or in the microwave. Once melted, add in your Yorkshire Rapeseed Oil and 70ml of your reduced Marmalade Porter and leave to cool slightly. Mix together until all is combined. In a separate mixing bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, and add in your caster sugar. Finally adding the eggs and chocolate mixture. Stir everything together until a smooth, silky batter is formed. Pour into your baking tin and bake in the oven for about 25-30 minutes. Once your brownies are baked, allow to cool and make your frosting.

To make your frosting, take your softened butter and spoon in the marmalade and mix together. Add icing sugar, cocoa powder and gently stir together. Slowly add your reduced ale until a buttercream consistency is formed, you may need slightly more or less of the ale depending how thick you like your icing.

Spread a thick layer of your frosting onto your brownies once they are completely cooled. Cut into 12 squares and enjoy!


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